by Rich Young | Aug 21, 2020
2014-1 Ndola, Zambia, Africa Medical Brigade at Hope Fellowship Community This medical mission team from Sacramento known as Operation iDream will be touching the lives of more than 200 orphans near Ndola, Zambia Africa during the month of June. Completed on June 2014...
by Rich Young | Aug 21, 2020
Medical Brigade at Hope Fellowship Community Clinic July 2014 Haiti Mission This last July, Pure Works VP, Jonathan Graves returned to Haiti…four years after the earthquake. He still remembers the chaos. HAITI ARRIVAL – DAY 1 EVEDAY 1 – 7/7 –...
by Rich Young | Aug 20, 2020
2014-3 San Francisco, California, USA A San Francisco Bay-area Praise and Worship Seminar and Concert This seminar features dynamic speakers, Pastors Brian Goodell, Mark Palazzolo, Rich Young and more. The seminar includes break out sessions for vocals, guitar, keys,...