Jordan International Aid (JIA) is currently in Nepal. Pure Works is grateful we were able to collaborate in their mission by helping them procure a portion of their medicine. This is of course crucial to any medical mission, and we want to share with you just how far your dollars go.
On this particular medicine procurement (see docs attached), $1,200 was spent for the medicine, and $708.80 for its delivery to Team Leader, Dr. Choi in California. From there, the medicines were divided up and taken by the Jordan International Aid Team Members to Nepal.
Three (3) “MAP packs” were purchased by JIA for the mission. The total wholesale value of the medicine is $95,650.50. By dividing this amount by the procurement cost ($1,908.80), the value received for each donors dollar is $50.11.
This 50 to 1 ratio is made possible by collaboration. It makes our efforts produce a much greater impact, like planting seeds into fields that will produce 100-fold versus planting seeds into fields that will reap 20-fold.
For this mission, let’s thank MAP International, Jordan International Aid and their team members for the joy of their significant sacrifice and contribution to help earthquake victims in Nepal. Let’s pray for the Gospel of Jesus Christ to be anointed on Enoch Choi as he shares in various places! Let’s be grateful we are able to be a small part of what they do. And, thank you for your ongoing support of prayers and funds. Together, we get a lot done!
Please pray for the current team in Nepal 8/2-8/17. They are:
Dr. Jeff Croke
Bob White – Physical Therapist
Tania Choi
Dr. Susanne Martin
Aracely Lieras, RN
Melinda Porter, MD
Eric Khau, Medical Student
Dr. Enoch Choi – (Team Leader)